St. Petersburg Dental Implant Center Logo White

Premier Dental Implant Center - St. Petersburg, FL

Our Patients Stories

Nick's Story

Luke's Story

Josh's Story

Nick's Story

Like's Story

Josh's Story

cosmetic dental patient Smiling after dental procedure

We Treat The Patient,
Not Just Their Teeth

Many other dental offices may offer implants as one of the many services they can provide. At St. Petersburg Dental Implant Center, we are proud to specialize in dental implants. If you are in need of dental implants, you know that they are not cheap, so why would you spend all of that money only to risk having a practice do it incorrectly? We specialize in all things implants; we understand how important it is when a patient makes the investment to have implants done; they should only be done once; that’s what we are here for. To do it the right way the first time, every single time.

beautiful person outside after dental implants

Our Dental Implant Specialist

doctor vellies smiling afterbeingwithpatient

Dr. Jimmy Vellis

Dr. Vellis has been practicing dentistry since 2007. His sole commitment is to bring quality care to every patient he treats. Over the years, Dr. Vellis has volunteered at many Good Samaritan Clinics, and he believes a good smile is something everyone should have the opportunity to have. He prides himself on his open and honest straightforward conversation with his clients as he truly believes that this is the only way to meet the needs of his patients.

Our Featured Treatments

full arch implants on counter

Full Mouth Dental Implants

If you are missing many or all of your teeth, you need more than a single implant here and there. Dentures, although popular, will not prevent things such as bone recession and are a temporary fix to a permanent problem. Full-mouth dental implants prevent bone loss and are a permanent fix to any problem you may be experiencing. They will help you return your confidence and comfort in public settings.

dental implants model

Single Dental Implants

If you struggle with confidence due to a cracked or missing tooth, a single dental implant may be the right choice for you. Single dental implants will blend right in with the natural teeth you have remaining and help you return to living a normal life without having to feel uncomfortable smiling or laughing openly in social situations.

mature dental patient at beach with new dental implants

Zirconia Fixed Bridges

Zirconia Fixed Bridges help fix the same issue as full-mouth dental implants without requiring you to sink in the same financial investment. While they will not quite be able to return your biting strength to quite the same level, they are another permanent solution to the problem of missing teeth.

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